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Socialize.. Share.. and Enjoy!

Socialize and share your culture while having fun with people from all around the world.

Happy Eid Adha 2021

Happy Eid Adha 2021

Happy Eid Adha Everyone 2021 Eid Al Adha will be on the evening of 19th of July, 2021. Eid…

We are here.. We are Beta!

We are here.. We are Beta!

Yes We Are Alive! Coming soon page This was our front page for 30 long days while deploying our…

Who we are?

We are those who were born in IRC
Raised in DALnet
Matured in IrCQ
We had our time in UnderNet & Freenode
Yet after all in El Kanaba we shall thrive..
Learn more..

What is El Kanaba?

El Kanaba is a starting up social platform with an old school experience. Aiming to provide a less stressful online socialization than popular well known platforms.
We are adopting a step by step buildup approach to keep track of how our concept is being absorbed in the Internet community, and adjusting our plans accordingly.
In short.. El Kanaba is here to stay 😄